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Topic : Ape hangers
Reg. Date : 29/07/2010
Posts : 420
Location : adelaide, Australia
Posted : 23 May 2014 - 22:04   Post title : Re: Ape hangers (Re: Terota66)

Whats the deal with the bandages , do they actually have any other function besides looks .

Teroata , I don't really haver a history with Feduke , he seems to have one with everyone ,, he's just like the annoying old man that lives over the road ,

You know the cantankerous old git , who thinks he's always right ,thinks he's a tough guy, and continually out telling the kids off , Can't play ball here , Get down the park , when i was in the police i would off kicked your ass , bla bla bla bla . When i was in the forces , we would of kicked your ass.

The guy who knocks at your door to tell you your wheelie bin , is to close to the road , the guy you tell your kids to ignore , but are not suprised when they rebel and put a brick through his window , , the nasty man who the kids love to tease , and he can't see why, they all hate him .

He's just a pain in the ass , who critisizes people , if they dare to like something he does'nt

But i have a good way of dealing with them sort , just say FACK EM and ignore him . Nothing but a facking know all anyway , so do me a favor fed , put me on ignore , go sit on your couch , looking through the window for kids to shout at , neighbors to complain about , and be careful ,you don't blow your knackers off, while your sat, twirling your gun round ya fingers , reminiscing , about when you were a super agent , who's duty it was to save the world

Post edited by coneye on 23 May 2014 - 23:24
Reg. Date : 11/08/2009
Posts : 2,441
Location : Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Posted : 23 May 2014 - 23:44   Post title : Re: Ape hangers (Re: coneye)

coneye wrote:

Whats the deal with the bandages , do they actually have any other function besides looks .

Teroata , I don't really haver a history with Feduke , he seems to have one with everyone ,, he's just like the annoying old man that lives over the road , that , to goes to your local pub ,

You know the cantankerous old git , who thinks he's always right ,thinks he's a tough guy, and continually out telling the kids off , Can't play ball here , Get down the park , when i was in the police i would off kicked your ass , bla bla bla bla . When i was in the forces , we would of kicked your ass.

The guy who knocks at your door to tell you your wheelie bin , is to close to the road , the guy you tell your kids to ignore , but are not suprised when they rebel and put a brick through his window , , the nasty man who the kids love to tease , and he can't see why .

But i have a good way of dealing with them sort , just say FACK EM and ignore him .

Coneye, I have said repeatedly that if you like apehangers, go for it, but I have the opinion (we are allowed to have those in this country, for now) that they look a little silly on a Triumph. I guess I really have to rethink that a bit since Triumph obviously was trying to stick it in Harley's face with the TBird, but it's just not my thing. Some people don't like windshields. I do. Same thing. See, I really don't think I'm always right. But, if I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I think you should automatically change just to suit me.

No, I'm not a "tough guy." I'm rather proud that in 27 years of law enforcement I handled things without a fight in all but one instance. And, the kids in the neighborhood and I get along just fine. In fact, I sometimes have issues with the parents because I let the kids be kids a little too much.

Firearms? We are a different culture than you. Our country works differently. What's right for you probably wouldn't work well here. And vice versa. Neither one is right or wrong. It's just different. But, I do find it interesting that since your country bought back all the guns and disarmed the citizens, your crime rates have climbed significantly. Same here. Our cities and states with the most restrictive gun laws for some strange reason have the highest crime rates. Go figure? The gun isn't the bad guy. The guy holding it is the problem and the bad guys are going to find a way to get a gun if they want one.

You and I are probably never going to be best friends, but don't you think it's a bit silly to argue over someones opinion? There are no facts involved here. You want to start over, fine. You want to stay pissed off, that's fine too. Fair enough?

I'm a secondhand vegetarian. Cows eat grass. I eat cows.
Reg. Date : 29/08/2010
Posts : 1,805
Location : Nor Cal, United States
Posted : 23 May 2014 - 23:52   Post title : Re: Ape hangers (Re: Terota66)
Aftermarket Beowulf: Link

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Post edited by MotorMac on 23 May 2014 - 23:52
Reg. Date : 29/07/2010
Posts : 420
Location : adelaide, Australia
Posted : 24 May 2014 - 00:44   Post title : Re: Ape hangers (Re: feduke)

feduke wrote:

coneye wrote:

Whats the deal with the bandages , do they actually have any other function besides looks .

Teroata , I don't really haver a history with Feduke , he seems to have one with everyone ,, he's just like the annoying old man that lives over the road , that , to goes to your local pub ,

You know the cantankerous old git , who thinks he's always right ,thinks he's a tough guy, and continually out telling the kids off , Can't play ball here , Get down the park , when i was in the police i would off kicked your ass , bla bla bla bla . When i was in the forces , we would of kicked your ass.

The guy who knocks at your door to tell you your wheelie bin , is to close to the road , the guy you tell your kids to ignore , but are not suprised when they rebel and put a brick through his window , , the nasty man who the kids love to tease , and he can't see why .

But i have a good way of dealing with them sort , just say FACK EM and ignore him .

Coneye, I have said repeatedly that if you like apehangers, go for it, but I have the opinion (we are allowed to have those in this country, for now) that they look a little silly on a Triumph. I guess I really have to rethink that a bit since Triumph obviously was trying to stick it in Harley's face with the TBird, but it's just not my thing. Some people don't like windshields. I do. Same thing. See, I really don't think I'm always right. But, if I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I think you should automatically change just to suit me.

No, I'm not a "tough guy." I'm rather proud that in 27 years of law enforcement I handled things without a fight in all but one instance. And, the kids in the neighborhood and I get along just fine. In fact, I sometimes have issues with the parents because I let the kids be kids a little too much.

Firearms? We are a different culture than you. Our country works differently. What's right for you probably wouldn't work well here. And vice versa. Neither one is right or wrong. It's just different. But, I do find it interesting that since your country bought back all the guns and disarmed the citizens, your crime rates have climbed significantly. Same here. Our cities and states with the most restrictive gun laws for some strange reason have the highest crime rates. Go figure? The gun isn't the bad guy. The guy holding it is the problem and the bad guys are going to find a way to get a gun if they want one.

You and I are probably never going to be best friends, but don't you think it's a bit silly to argue over someones opinion? There are no facts involved here. You want to start over, fine. You want to stay pissed off, that's fine too. Fair enough?

Alls cool with me , I only ever stay pissed off for about , , a minuite ,, Then i forget what i was pissed of about anyway , .... But one thing i do agree on with you is GUNS ,,, I've never even shot a pistol , shot a air rifle at the fairground, and a 22 rifle years ago at some rabbits , , but other than that , there foreign to me .

But i do think the world would be a safer place , if every home was allowed them and all people carried them , simply because here in oz , its only the bad guys who have them , and like you say they always get them ,

I'm no bleeding heart , and i have firm views , that scumbags behave bad because they can , after all what happens , when the spoilt brat who gives his teacher an hard time , becuase there hands are tied , what happens when that brat goes to far , and goes to jail , he does'nt back chat big bad bubba , . Cos he'll get a crack for his whack . . So he toes the line .

Society has gone soft , and us westeners are leading the way in the soft cock dept , Go to china or the middle east and carry on the way they do in my and your country , see how far they get . , We can include England in that has well . .

Even the same here in our local game football , your not allowed to play rough anymore , and its spoiling the game , Bring back the Biff I say .

Reg. Date : 11/08/2009
Posts : 2,441
Location : Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Posted : 24 May 2014 - 18:00   Post title : Re: Ape hangers (Re: coneye)

I sure cant argue with any of that!

I'm a secondhand vegetarian. Cows eat grass. I eat cows.
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