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Topic : Facebook
Reg. Date : 19/02/2014
Posts : 145
Location : Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 11:15   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Eddie)
I think you missed the point. Information is not an itinnerary.

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,067
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 11:32   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Smitty)
Smitty wrote:
I can understand why the Admins would be threatened by FB, but i'm an optimist and feel you shouldn't be as I see the two working side by side and enhancing each other.

You're on the wrong track bro ... or is that deliberate?
Ever seen us comment about FB in any way or are you just making misplaced assumptions? FB has never been the issue here so let's not take it there.
And as stated, yes ... when we set up the official forum FB group, they'll work side by side, enhancing each other.
What yours will do is entirely up to you ... not our business to determine this.

I wasn't aware that I needed admin permission to ask peoples opinion on a subject.

While you were asking peoples opinion on the vote thread ... did you see ANY form of intervention or censorship?
What are you saying here?
As the vote option (nr 2) was about a fundamental TB1600 issue, do you not think this could have something we have a right to, when we are ready?
Along the same lines, when announcing the FB page, did you state anywhere that this is not an offcial forum page (that's what the vote was about, remember?)?
Just sayin'

I never thought my actions as far as the FB vote thread and starting the FB Page, were stepping over the line. I would have expected a PM if I over stepped the mark, (courtesy works both ways)

Why would we PM you after the fact?
Surely you've got things back to front.

4. "20 votes or 1% percent of members were in favour of a FB page". I guess I should have said the vote was 50 - 50 of "ACTIVE" members. Surely your not going to claim a vote for the negative from people who joined and have never been heard of since, and now that you are quoting votes, why would you mention that you would have an "OPEN" FB page, if or when you decide we can have one, when I think only one person voted for that

Because we consider that vote irrelevant in it's conception (as set out) and authority and ignored it.
We have specific parameters to cater to when the time comes.

It's been a month since any bump on the FB vote thread, so I assumed if the admins were going to do anything, sufficient time had lapsed.

And at that point you thought it was an appropriate time (or anytime before that) to ask us if anything was in the works, right?

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,067
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 11:44   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: woody)

woody wrote:

It isn't directly related to this site and is only another form of communication.

We're perfectly good with that, Woody.

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 03/01/2011
Posts : 84
Location : Brisbane, Australia
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 11:53   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Bedouin)

Bedouin wrote:

What is a pity? The fact that as operators here we maintain the right to a forum FB page?
Do you think it unreasonable or emotional? What's your point?
By all means enjoy being a member of that group on FB (as you obviously already are) but let's skip the general commentary on the pros and cons.
Nobody was discussing that if you read my posts carefully.

What is a pity? The fact that as operators here we maintain the right to a forum FB page?
Do you think it unreasonable or emotional? What's your point?

I thought my point was clear, "Which is a real pity, it seems convenient and the two could be complimentary".

Perhaps it wasn't clear due to it not being quoted in it's entirety?

" The fact that as operators here we maintain the right to a forum FB page?
Do you think it unreasonable or emotional?"

I think my view on this is clear too, Smitty wrote, "If you would like to set up an official page include the .com or call it whatever you like and I would be more than happy to delete the newly created page."

Brad has clearly said he will delete the page should you start one.

Seems reasonable to me.

"By all means enjoy being a member of that group on FB (as you obviously already are) but let's skip the general commentary on the pros and cons."

I didn't realise that I'm not allowed to discuss the pro's and con's of a topical issue on this forum?

"Nobody was discussing that if you read my posts carefully."

Am I only allowed to comment on what you've written in your post?

I apologise, I did not understand those rules.

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,067
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 12:19   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Smifff)
You can, as always, discuss whatever you like, only I was not, AND NEVER HAVE, discussed the pros and cons of FB (which is why I said skip it) ... and, you were addressing me.

" The fact that as operators here we maintain the right to a forum FB page?
Do you think it unreasonable or emotional?"

Forget what Smitty may or may not have said, it's not relevant to my question. Do you think there is anything unreasonable or emotional about my above statement/question?

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 18/09/2010
Posts : 553
Location : WiNe CoUnTrY TeMeCuLa, Socialist State of Kalifornia, United States
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 18:30   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Bedouin)
Personal opinion on this is people need to use social media as a necessary evil and develop a social life. I hate Facebook because people wrap their lives around it, but I do use FB for American Legion Riders events and see photos of my family that I would otherwise never get to see. I hate banter on websites, but use them to gain technical knowledge. Except for tire threads. I have already had my fill of them.

Modern technology is good for some things, but social media has caused more problems between people than good. As I see it doing here. I don't need to see where people eat their lunch, what they had for lunch, or where they shit it out. Nor do I need a joke thread or feel the need to reply to every post. People just need to get on their bikes and ride.

Just my 2 centavos.

Post edited by MickeyBoy on 19 May 2014 - 18:32
Reg. Date : 01/10/2012
Posts : 996
Location : Hawkesbury, NSW, Australia
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 19:12   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Bedouin)
Bedouin wrote:

Smitty wrote:
I can understand why the Admins would be threatened by FB, but i'm an optimist and feel you shouldn't be as I see the two working side by side and enhancing each other.

You're on the wrong track bro ... or is that deliberate?
Ever seen us comment about FB in any way or are you just making misplaced assumptions? FB has never been the issue here so let's not take it there.
And as stated, yes ... when we set up the official forum FB group, they'll work side by side, enhancing each other.
What yours will do is entirely up to you ... not our business to determine this.

I wasn't aware that I needed admin permission to ask peoples opinion on a subject.

While you were asking peoples opinion on the vote thread ... did you see ANY form of intervention or censorship?
What are you saying here?
As the vote option (nr 2) was about a fundamental TB1600 issue, do you not think this could have something we have a right to, when we are ready?
Along the same lines, when announcing the FB page, did you state anywhere that this is not an offcial forum page (that's what the vote was about, remember?)?
Just sayin'

I never thought my actions as far as the FB vote thread and starting the FB Page, were stepping over the line. I would have expected a PM if I over stepped the mark, (courtesy works both ways)

Why would we PM you after the fact?
Surely you've got things back to front.

4. "20 votes or 1% percent of members were in favour of a FB page". I guess I should have said the vote was 50 - 50 of "ACTIVE" members. Surely your not going to claim a vote for the negative from people who joined and have never been heard of since, and now that you are quoting votes, why would you mention that you would have an "OPEN" FB page, if or when you decide we can have one, when I think only one person voted for that

Because we consider that vote irrelevant in it's conception (as set out) and authority and ignored it.
We have specific parameters to cater to when the time comes.

It's been a month since any bump on the FB vote thread, so I assumed if the admins were going to do anything, sufficient time had lapsed.

And at that point you thought it was an appropriate time (or anytime before that) to ask us if anything was in the works, right?

You can put your spin on my words and others peoples all you like, but i'm over this verbal tit for tat.....

Cheers Smitty

2013 Matt Graphite Storm, Foran Razorbacks, Hagon shocks & springs.
I don't get angry, I get even
Reg. Date : 12/02/2011
Posts : 1,507
Location : NSW, Australia
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 19:24   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: MickeyBoy)

Let me get this straight....."you hate banter on web sites , you only use them to gain technical information". "you don't need a joke thread" ?
Just my 2 centavos , but your a strange bit of gear mate !
I , for one would hate to be sitting next to you in a pub or group situation .
Are you a hermit ?
My guess is that your very much a loner , shame about that.


Magpie - "I dream of a better world.....where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned "
Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,067
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 19 May 2014 - 20:21   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Smitty)
Smitty wrote:

Bedouin wrote:

Smitty wrote:
I can understand why the Admins would be threatened by FB, but i'm an optimist and feel you shouldn't be as I see the two working side by side and enhancing each other.

You're on the wrong track bro ... or is that deliberate?
Ever seen us comment about FB in any way or are you just making misplaced assumptions? FB has never been the issue here so let's not take it there.
And as stated, yes ... when we set up the official forum FB group, they'll work side by side, enhancing each other.
What yours will do is entirely up to you ... not our business to determine this.

I wasn't aware that I needed admin permission to ask peoples opinion on a subject.

While you were asking peoples opinion on the vote thread ... did you see ANY form of intervention or censorship?
What are you saying here?
As the vote option (nr 2) was about a fundamental TB1600 issue, do you not think this could have something we have a right to, when we are ready?
Along the same lines, when announcing the FB page, did you state anywhere that this is not an offcial forum page (that's what the vote was about, remember?)?
Just sayin'

I never thought my actions as far as the FB vote thread and starting the FB Page, were stepping over the line. I would have expected a PM if I over stepped the mark, (courtesy works both ways)

Why would we PM you after the fact?
Surely you've got things back to front.

4. "20 votes or 1% percent of members were in favour of a FB page". I guess I should have said the vote was 50 - 50 of "ACTIVE" members. Surely your not going to claim a vote for the negative from people who joined and have never been heard of since, and now that you are quoting votes, why would you mention that you would have an "OPEN" FB page, if or when you decide we can have one, when I think only one person voted for that

Because we consider that vote irrelevant in it's conception (as set out) and authority and ignored it.
We have specific parameters to cater to when the time comes.

It's been a month since any bump on the FB vote thread, so I assumed if the admins were going to do anything, sufficient time had lapsed.

And at that point you thought it was an appropriate time (or anytime before that) to ask us if anything was in the works, right?

You can put your spin on my words and others peoples all you like, but i'm over this verbal tit for tat.....

Of course, we weren't expecting any replies to the questions posed.

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 29/08/2010
Posts : 1,836
Location : Nor Cal, United States
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 00:00   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Smitty)
Using the name "Thunderbird1600" was the WRONG thing to do. Suggest you change or delete it (if FB will even let you).
"Thunderbird1600" belongs to the admins here - who even beat Triumph to it - and no one else.

bnz433 +1 x2
Magpie +1
Jimbo +1
Eddie +1
MickeyBoy +1


Reg. Date : 24/01/2011
Posts : 6,474
Location :  Australia
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 01:20   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: MotorMac)
It's not good to see our site degenerate with this shit. FB like it or not we didn't have this crap prior to FB being brought up.

Experience is something you get just after you needed it
1600,Foran Razorbacks, Meerkat bypass, Dyno tune, real headlight,plenty of chrome,switchblade pegs, Hagon Nitro shocks & Ikon progressive fork springs etc. Scorpion Western Low handlebars. PH adjustable fork caps.
Reg. Date : 01/05/2013
Posts : 4,484
Location : AZ
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 03:03   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Leethal)
Well, I use to say FB to x girlfriends

2009 Thunderbird 1700 Big Bore

Reg. Date : 28/02/2012
Posts : 926
Location : Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 03:07   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: AZCactus)
Maybe we should ask Sir Les for some political correctness guidance?

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few people engage in it"
Henry Ford
Reg. Date : 01/05/2013
Posts : 4,484
Location : AZ
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 03:20   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: rabbi)
Before we get back to facebook...How'd you know I like breast meat...Sweet! LOL

2009 Thunderbird 1700 Big Bore

Reg. Date : 17/12/2011
Posts : 2,066
Location : NSW, Australia
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 04:17   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Leethal)

Leethal wrote:

It's not good to see our site degenerate with this shit. FB like it or not we didn't have this crap prior to FB being brought up.

Ah Leethal , let it go , i havent seen bloodshed for a while

Reg. Date : 17/12/2011
Posts : 2,066
Location : NSW, Australia
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 04:21   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: rabbi)
This LES

Reg. Date : 10/12/2011
Posts : 1,919
Location : Mackay, Central Queensland, Australia
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 08:08   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Leethal)

Leethal wrote:

It's not good to see our site degenerate with this shit. FB like it or not we didn't have this crap prior to FB being brought up.

Im with you Lee 100% We don't need FB, end of Story. We have got a long quite ok so far.

May-2011-1600, 20306 Tune, Mustang Vintage Solo Seat, Meerkat Cat Bypass, + Meerkat Modified Short TORS ,K&N Air Cleaner,K&N Oil Filter, JBQ lifting system, Gold Plug Magnetic Sump Plug,Dart Fly screen, Rivco Risers, GiPro Gear Indicator, Breakaway Cruise Control, Avon ISO Grips, Scorpion Western Low Handlebars, Kury Switchblade Pegs, Garmin Zumo390LM,Michelin RC2 on Front RC 3 on ,Modified Rear Drive Pulley Hub Bearings (Mat1600/Alex4 Modification) Front Susp: Std & 7.5W Oil /126mm Air Gap & Rear:Hagon Nitro's with 26Kg/cm Springs + Lots of other "Bling" stuff.

Reg. Date : 18/09/2010
Posts : 553
Location : WiNe CoUnTrY TeMeCuLa, Socialist State of Kalifornia, United States
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 18:17   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: magpie)

magpie wrote:

Let me get this straight....."you hate banter on web sites , you only use them to gain technical information". "you don't need a joke thread" ?
Just my 2 centavos , but your a strange bit of gear mate !
I , for one would hate to be sitting next to you in a pub or group situation .
Are you a hermit ?
My guess is that your very much a loner , shame about that.


You guessed wrong. I actually prefer a social life to social media. I am very outgoing in public and will be the first to come up and shake your hand. What I hate is when I go out with friends and see everyone around looking at their cellphones. My friends and I stack ours on the table and the first one to looks at theirs before the night is over pays the dinner bill. Social media, a necessary evil, is destroying peoples ability to communicate through vocal means. Just look at the local kids to see this.

Reg. Date : 10/02/2011
Posts : 2,943
Location : Groveland, FL., United States
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 21:32   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: MickeyBoy)

MickeyBoy wrote:

magpie wrote:

Let me get this straight....."you hate banter on web sites , you only use them to gain technical information". "you don't need a joke thread" ?
Just my 2 centavos , but your a strange bit of gear mate !
I , for one would hate to be sitting next to you in a pub or group situation .
Are you a hermit ?
My guess is that your very much a loner , shame about that.


You guessed wrong. I actually prefer a social life to social media. I am very outgoing in public and will be the first to come up and shake your hand. What I hate is when I go out with friends and see everyone around looking at their cellphones. My friends and I stack ours on the table and the first one to looks at theirs before the night is over pays the dinner bill. Social media, a necessary evil, is destroying peoples ability to communicate through vocal means. Just look at the local kids to see this.

I agree with this, most of the time my phone is at home on the counter. I for one enjoy being "off the grid"

Never drink from a cow with one udder! 2010 1600 Blue&White ( of course ) Long TORS and HP filter.
Reg. Date : 06/03/2010
Posts : 8,596
Location : Bridlington, Democratic Independant State of Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Posted : 20 May 2014 - 23:40   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: Linkdog)

Linkdog wrote:

I agree with this, most of the time my phone is at home on the counter. I for one enjoy being "off the grid"

My first natural instinct is to breathe. My second is to evade tax's.

Reg. Date : 17/09/2012
Posts : 571
Location : Gympie, Queensland, Australia
Posted : 21 May 2014 - 14:08   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: mat1600)

mat1600 wrote:

Linkdog wrote:

I agree with this, most of the time my phone is at home on the counter. I for one enjoy being "off the grid"

Enjoying the Journey
Reg. Date : 18/09/2010
Posts : 553
Location : WiNe CoUnTrY TeMeCuLa, Socialist State of Kalifornia, United States
Posted : 21 May 2014 - 15:55   Post title : Re: Facebook (Re: AleXL4)

AleXL4 wrote:

mat1600 wrote:

Linkdog wrote:

I agree with this, most of the time my phone is at home on the counter. I for one enjoy being "off the grid"

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