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General -> Accessories.Hardstreet slim panniers fo... - 1.5 Inch Radius bend drag B...
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Topic : hardstreet with easy brackets
Reg. Date : 12/05/2012
Posts : 913
Location : lexington, ky, United States
Posted : 08 Jul 2013 - 01:35   Post title : hardstreet with easy brackets
A member contacted me about this subject so i thought i'd post some pics and open the subject for those who have this set-up. Here are 3 pics with holes drilled.
where the easy brackets bolt onto the bags is pretty strong i would say the weakest part of the bags are the hinges.
i also took a circle file and opened up the holes where the brackets go onto the bracket holders to make it easier to take on and off.
anyone with questions or comments please feel free.

currently on a slow Harley but will have another Triumph eventually