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Technical Talk -> Exhausts.Cat Eliminator - StainlessRide "Can
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Topic : BC Hog Slayers sound
Reg. Date : 16/01/2011
Posts : 25
Location : Madison, WI, United States
Posted : 05 Jun 2013 - 16:59   Post title : BC Hog Slayers sound
I have around 5000 miles on the hog slayers now I don't know if it is me but,they seem to be getting more of a growl sound to them. When I first put them on they seemed to have a blat blat sound to them.

Anyone else think so or am I just getting used to them?


Reg. Date : 13/07/2012
Posts : 544
Location : Reno, Nevada, United States
Posted : 05 Jun 2013 - 17:51   Post title : Re: BC Hog Slayers sound (Re: Blackbird)
Mufflers definitely change over time.

Reg. Date : 24/06/2009
Posts : 3,655
Location : Savannah, GA, United States
Posted : 06 Jun 2013 - 07:17   Post title : Re: BC Hog Slayers sound (Re: Blackbird)
Agreed, exhaust does seem to change over time. The insides are going to get coated with carbon and it will change the tone over time. Out of curiousity i went back and looked at my old exhaust videos to see if I could hear a difference. Granted they are with different cameras in different positions but I think you can tell a difference in the 'raspiness' of the exhaust from one to the other.

From back in 2009

and from 2012