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Topic : Back home again!
Reg. Date : 26/09/2010
Posts : 189
Location : Molino, Florida, United States
Posted : 02 Jul 2011 - 09:52   Post title : Back home again!
Took the 'Bird down to D&D's today and did my part to stimulate the long tour seat, "quick release luggage rack (or was it sissy bar?), sissy bar and pad, new helmet, new summer mesh riding jacket, rider's back rest and had the BC Hogslayers put on along with the new tune.

The original OEM exhaust didn't sound bad at all but when I rode Daryl's 'Bird back in February I did like the exhaust note that his was producing...and Daryl I gotta tell you my BC's with the 1700 sound even better than your's did...if that is possible...I'll have to ride out soon and see you and we'll to speak.

It was like sounding like a gentler Harley till you opened it up and it flat out put the "wanna be" sound of the Harley's (as in "look at me I sound tough...but pardon my lack of HP and torque....")...this bike sounds good...better than I would have thought. Maybe I didn't "open" up Daryl's bike enough in February to get the sound but, to me, yesterday on the way sure sounded sweeeeeeet.


Home at last....home at last!

Last bike owned:
2007 Triumph Rocket III (sold in April, 2010)
Have finally ridden my 2010 Phantom Red Haze Thunderbird, picked it up in Feb 09, 2011, enjoyed the I am back in the sand box.