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Topic : Seat bracket recall / Dual longhaul seat fitment
Reg. Date : 16/10/2009
Posts : 365
Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted : 23 Apr 2011 - 22:20   Post title : Seat bracket recall / Dual longhaul seat fitment
Last fall when I had the bike in for it's 10,000 km service, they told me there was an outstanding recall for the rear seat bracket. Had the work done, thought that was the end of it. I normally only use the drivers seat but today was taking the wife out and went to put the dual longhaul on, first time since the recall... and it doesn't fit!! I need to take a better look at it when I havea few minutes but it appears the bracket is higher or something and it doesn't allow the dual longhaul to sit properly. It doesn't sit on the rubber mounts because it just kinda see-saws on the new, improved bracket!

Has anyone else had the recall done and noticed the issue with the dual longhaul? Maybe I'm missing something!?

Reg. Date : 16/10/2009
Posts : 365
Location : Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posted : 24 Apr 2011 - 01:38   Post title : Re: Seat bracket recall / Dual longhaul seat fitment (Re: Fordster)
Doh! Never mind... I forgot you gotta take the stupid bracket off to fit the longhaul seat! Some days I should just stay in bed.

Reg. Date : 12/07/2010
Posts : 3,141
Location : Sunnyvale, CA, United States
Posted : 24 Apr 2011 - 01:45   Post title : Re: Seat bracket recall / Dual longhaul seat fitment (Re: Fordster) coming. Thanks for the heads-up.