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Topic : Looking good Boomer!
Reg. Date : 16/10/2008
Posts : 962
Location : Wisconsin, United States
Posted : 17 Oct 2008 - 03:00   Post title : Looking good Boomer!
Nice job, like the banner Greenwind! The more pictures I see the more I like. Interested in a real view of it from behind the handlebars!
Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
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Posted : 18 Oct 2008 - 03:02   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: fasteddy)
Thx Eddy..... i`m proud of it................ U know... The speedo pic is a pretty unique one because it is the only one of it on the internet... at the moment

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
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Posted : 18 Oct 2008 - 15:17   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: greenwind)
Love the site, can't wait for my T-bird to make it home to the garage!!!!!

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 6
Location : Romeoville, IL, United States
Posted : 18 Oct 2008 - 15:46   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: mattfromomaha)
Yep, great looking banner for a great looking bike. I'm in! The fund is already growing (any gratuitous help would be appreciated ). Great to see you here Eddy and Matt. Of course, how could you not be? Thanassis pointed me in this direction and I thank him greatly for that. Let's start getting some tech info and such. I need more information!


"Some people are like a Slinky.....not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs."
Reg. Date : 16/10/2008
Posts : 962
Location : Wisconsin, United States
Posted : 18 Oct 2008 - 20:43   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: airguy)
Well this is the place for the spot on, first out info!
Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 4
Location : Fife, Scotland, United Kingdom
Posted : 18 Oct 2008 - 23:17   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: fasteddy)
hello guys, another speedy/thunderbird dreamer here, great pics so far the first one does it for me and is now on my desktop.

Reg. Date : 16/10/2008
Posts : 962
Location : Wisconsin, United States
Posted : 19 Oct 2008 - 03:27   Post title : Re: Looking good Boomer! (Re: bigdoug)
I only wish it would not be coming out so late, I want to get a ride on it or hear about it as soon as the first riders in Europe get them or get a chance to ride them. Even if I was not attracted to them, I would be interested in how well Triumph does with these. I have ridden the Rocket and Speedy's and America's and they hit those out of the park to my way of thinking. I have been very impressed with the efforts and taking the ride to an incredible level in both these bikes. So I expect that they will pull it off again with the T Bird. It is just kind of exciting wondering how it will all turn out in the real world.
Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 16 Nov 2008 - 15:39   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here?
Hey guys,
My name is skip and I'm from Oklahoma. I own an '07 Rocket 3 and can't wait to put this new thunderbird in the stable.
Got a '03 H-D sittin there right now beside the rock. The wife rides it, but she hates the rock, cause "You ride too fast".
Gee, I'm sorry honey, if I wanted to go slow, I'd still be on a hardly .
Can't wait to see where this site and this new offering from Triumph goes . I want a black one, to match my r-3.
Guess I should probably shut it down for now, just wanted to introduce myself.

Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 16 Nov 2008 - 15:55   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)
Well I've been checking out this site, and it seems that most of y'all know each other.
Since I'm new here, I'd like to know how y'all know each other, do some of you frequent the same sites?
If so, which ones. I belong to the site, along with the and sites, and now this one.
Tulsa just got their Triumph dealership up and running about a month ago.
Bought my '07 in Mississippi middle of last year.
Boomer, I'm assumeing you're the moderator and site administrator, is that right?
Either way, here I am, member number 10 of the fabulous Thunderbird site.
As such, I'd like to try to post a short vid.
Ride hard,xhdskip

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,066
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 17 Nov 2008 - 00:06   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)

Welcome Sir!

Yes, several of the members know each other as we are owners of the smaller cousin (Speedmaster/America) of the Rocket and we frequent
Although somewhat premature, the site was put up a few weeks ago so that we could assemble all the info we can on the upcoming Thunderbird, in an orderly and concise fashion.
It should hope fully be pretty lively by the time the bike actually comes out.
We have had the benefit of some pretty accurate "inside" information to date and hopefully we will continue to do so.
We are also currently chasing our source to acquire the exact weight and power specs of this exciting new bike.

Watch this space and again, welcome.

P.S. Check your PM's.

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 17 Nov 2008 - 01:26   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: Bedouin)
well , it didn't take long for my wife to change my mind.
I showed her the pictures and she laid claim to that pearl white full dresser
I don't understand her, the h-d's black, my R3 is black and she wants a white bike.
I'll admit that white one looks hot, but lets face it, white is so
Oh well Guess its her ying to my yang
either way, apparently we're gonna get one, color to be determined later
ride it like you stole it.
later, xhdskip

Reg. Date : 18/10/2008
Posts : 1,066
Location : Athens, Greece
Posted : 17 Nov 2008 - 01:31   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)

A word of warning.
The dresser is actually silver, not white.

Blessed are those eyes that have seen more roads than any man! (Homer).
Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 17 Nov 2008 - 13:29   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: Bedouin)
Thanks for that encouraging word there Bedouin, Silver is kinda halfway to black, so maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
I think my 17 (18 in a couple of weeks) yr old wants a blue one.
At least he ain't talking about getting a hardly. Thank God for that..

Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 17 Nov 2008 - 15:40   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)
As I mentioned earlier, Tulsa got got their dealership up and running. They now have Triumph, BMW, Victory,Polaris.
They were just the victory dealer.
Now I'm trying to get us a rat pack formed thats going to be top notch.
I'd like to get a RAT patch from every year, I think the first was 95 or 96 to present, to be put on a flag or banner.
I'm also working on getting us a Tulsa RAT pack patch made.
If any of you here have one or more of the older years patches and aren't using them, I'd sure buy it off you.
Since y'all are members of the bonnie site, could someone post this need over there? I have some '07 patches I'd trade for different years.
And I'd also like to get individual pack patches for another banner, we could swap out and show our support for other rat packs.
If you'd post this on that site I'd appreciate it. My e-mail is Thanks. skip

Post edited by xhdskip on 17 Nov 2008 - 15:45
Reg. Date : 16/10/2008
Posts : 962
Location : Wisconsin, United States
Posted : 21 Nov 2008 - 00:37   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)
Hey Skip!

I am torn between a R3 and a Tbird, I have to admit I am leaning heavy Tbird right now. I won't part with my America though! I hope to keep it and let one of my boys use it to riding with me!

Post edited by fasteddy on 21 Nov 2008 - 00:41
Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 22 Nov 2008 - 02:27   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: fasteddy)
Can't speak for the t-bird, as we ain't got to ride it YET. It should be real torquey though.
I mean heck, We're talking about 800 cc's twice in the same jug. GOT to be torquey
I CAN speak for the Rocket though. Mines an '07, bought in the middle of last year. Got a little over 13,000 miles on it now.
I REALLY like my Rock And won't get rid of it, but IF I KNEW WHAT I KNOW NOW, back then, I'd probablly do things different.
I guess mainly, I wouldn't have bought new (mine was a demo by the way), but still new, with a new price tag.
Since I've been on the rocket forums for about 1 and a half years now, I've watched captains (rocket riders) come and go.
Different reasons, some scared before a wreck, some scared after wrecking, some lost jobs, ect, ect.. most guys who sell, end up selling on e-bay. I've watched, I guess probablly 20, good bikes, nothing wrong with em go on e-bay, for alot less than I paid for mine.
If I was gonna buy another Rocket, I'd get it off e-bay for sure.
The test ride is what sold me on the Rocket. I was use to 1340 cc's. I climbed on and twisted the throttle a little, and she like to have jumped out from under me. I latched on tight and hit second and shes still trying to get her wind.. Yea, that sold me.
So heres what I recomend. Buy a good used rocket off e-bay, and get the NEW Thunderbird too.
Rockets come in three types. Standard, Classic (or TOURER) and Touring, touring has the single headlight and powered down, smaller tire, longer frame,ect,ect.. If you do end up getting a rocket, make sure its the fastest one, that'd be Black on Black. (black motor, black paint)

Reg. Date : 23/11/2008
Posts : 4
Location :  United States
Posted : 23 Nov 2008 - 21:50   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip) Donaldinnewark
I bought my r3 in Sept 07 got one hell of a deal I owed 7700 on my America and walke dout the door with a new r3 for under 17000 with
gap insurance. Bought mine from hinds motorsports columbus ohio great bunch of people. I am looking forward to the new thunderbird.
By the way I did lay my r3 down from a car pulling out in front of me got it fixed and rode again. Now if my physical thearpy don't work I am going to get surgery on my shoulder from the accident. I would not trade my r3 for nothing but maybe I could go for a second bike and the Thunderbird sounds great.

Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 23 Nov 2008 - 22:06   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: donaldinnewark)
Welcome aboard captain donald.
What color did you get?
Standard or classic?
yea, I know what you mean about not trading the rock in.
Me neither, but that new t-bird sure looks good.
Can't wait till we get some specs on it.
Ought to be a rush to ride.
Are you a member of any of the rocket sites?
Take care and good luck with your healing process.
I'll pray for that shoulder.

Reg. Date : 23/11/2008
Posts : 4
Location :  United States
Posted : 27 Nov 2008 - 18:08   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)
Thank you mine is black with new england white sharp bike can't wait until it warms up to ride and my shoulder heals.

Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 29 Nov 2008 - 12:22   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: donaldinnewark)
By the time it warms up, your shoulder should be healed up nicely. So you'll be at 100%, when the times right..
Have you gotten rid of that sissy sounding horn yet? Now would be a good time to do those "little" things that always need done.
I got a Stebel air horn for mine. Its LOUD. and only 50 bucks. Money well spent. Take care.

Reg. Date : 23/11/2008
Posts : 4
Location :  United States
Posted : 30 Nov 2008 - 12:49   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: xhdskip)
No not yet I haven't done any upgrades yet but planning on this spring adding highway bars and upgrading exhaust.

Reg. Date : 16/11/2008
Posts : 14
Location : Tulsa , Oklahoma, United States
Posted : 30 Nov 2008 - 14:15   Post title : Re: may I introduce myself here? (Re: donaldinnewark)
Yea, I'm wanting a set of predator exausts. The more I read about the custom parts available for power increases,
the more I want to "upgrade". I mean heck, double the power, double the fun.
