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Topic : 6000 mile service costs??
Reg. Date : 06/09/2010
Posts : 8,379
Location : Haverhill, Ma., United States
Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 03:28   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: zolti)

zolti wrote:

davetac1 wrote:

FWIW to you guys,the T bird 1600 takes 4 qts and 28 oz of oil with the filter,not just 4 quarts.I suggest you check the oil after it comes back from the dealer.You might be a little surprised . Dave!!!

good stuff dave,

thing is i would expect a residual amount left in the bike after draining maybe not as much as 28 oz dunno,
who has done their own service and how much over the 4 qts was req?

i am interested to know because this will affect how much oil i need to buy if i do my own service.

When you change the oil and filter in any engine,it should be HOT.In other words,the engine has reached its normal operating temperature.Shut it off and,with the machine standing as straight as possible, allow it to drain for ten minutes or so.You should get 95% or better of the old oil out.What ever is left would be the residue which isn't much.

When I bought my T bird new,I redid what the dealer was supposed to do.That's how I stumbled across this problem.The machine was down almost a full quart of oil.The book said,1.1 gallons or 4.2 liters which I believe is what the dealer went by.Well the book is wrong.I kept adding oil,a little at a time until the oil level was at the full mark on the dip stick.The first time I changed the oil and filter,I measured the amount I put in to bring it to the full mark on the dip stick which is how I came up with the correct amount.I then marked my books accordingly and have tried to pass this info along to anyone who's interested.Now that leads to me to a question:Just now many T Birds are out there running around without enough oil in the motors??? Follow me. Dave!!!

Reg. Date : 12/05/2009
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Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 14:35   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: davetac1)
I actually wait longer and i also tip the bike both left and right several times and let it drain for a minute between leans. Quite a bit of extra oil comes out. And make sure you remove the dipstick while draining so there is no vaccum causing the oil to run out slowly and possibly not as completely. And tho it probably doesn't need to be said, before removing the dipstick note that that area is usually got some grains of sand and pebbles around it, so be sure to take a brush (i use an old toothbrush) and brush it all away.

2010 Blue/White Thunderbird, "Brutus". 1700 kit, short tors, gutted cat, UNI filter, filter seal off, custom tune. Brutus in his native habitat: Link
Reg. Date : 14/07/2009
Posts : 3,155
Location : Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 14:35   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: davetac1)
davetac1 wrote:

zolti wrote:

davetac1 wrote:

FWIW to you guys,the T bird 1600 takes 4 qts and 28 oz of oil with the filter,not just 4 quarts.I suggest you check the oil after it comes back from the dealer.You might be a little surprised . Dave!!!

good stuff dave,

thing is i would expect a residual amount left in the bike after draining maybe not as much as 28 oz dunno,
who has done their own service and how much over the 4 qts was req?

i am interested to know because this will affect how much oil i need to buy if i do my own service.

When you change the oil and filter in any engine,it should be HOT.In other words,the engine has reached its normal operating temperature.Shut it off and,with the machine standing as straight as possible, allow it to drain for ten minutes or so.You should get 95% or better of the old oil out.What ever is left would be the residue which isn't much.

When I bought my T bird new,I redid what the dealer was supposed to do.That's how I stumbled across this problem.The machine was down almost a full quart of oil.The book said,1.1 gallons or 4.2 liters which I believe is what the dealer went by.Well the book is wrong.I kept adding oil,a little at a time until the oil level was at the full mark on the dip stick.The first time I changed the oil and filter,I measured the amount I put in to bring it to the full mark on the dip stick which is how I came up with the correct amount.I then marked my books accordingly and have tried to pass this info along to anyone who's interested.Now that leads to me to a question:Just now many T Birds are out there running around without enough oil in the motors??? Follow me. Dave!!!

I always change the oil the way you described - hot engine. In fact, I let it drain for some time as well. My last change was done by my dealer - not sure how much they put in, but it is full.

I did a change at 9,000. I purchased 5 qts of oil and a filter, drained the cycle when hot and for a long time. I always fill to the dipstick, i.e., I only use the manual as a guide for how much oil to buy. Mine took 4 Qts and 4 oz., which is a 128 oz. 1.11 gallons is 137.6 oz, which would mean that 9.6 oz did not drain, which seems plausible. So for me, the owners manual seems about right.

Edit: to some extent, it doesn't matter - you need more that 4 and less than 5 to change the oil. The only difference for me is that I have 28 oz left so the next time I change the oil I will only need to purchase 4 qts.

Post edited by EnGage on 26 Sep 2010 - 14:44
Reg. Date : 06/09/2010
Posts : 8,379
Location : Haverhill, Ma., United States
Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 18:46   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: EnGage)
Here's something else that I forgot to mention which I learned from owning my previous machine.After letting the oil drain for a bit from both,the oil filter housing and the drain plug,I then sit on the bike and lean it side to side,stop,let it set for a minute,do it again,and so forth,several times over.That will usually get any trapped oil in the crankcase to drain out.And you'll be surprised at just how much more oil ya get out of it by doing it that way.The shop won't do it that way,but you can.The idea is to get as much of the old oil out as possible and that seems to do the trick.Then I put the new filter on and the drain plug back in.I've now changed my oil and filter three times and after putting in the four quarts,I fire it up,let in run for a few minutes,shut it down,let it set for a while, check the oil again,and add as needed.The last change I did was when I measured the total amount of oil I needed to get the oil level between the marks on the dip stick.And BTW,the motorcycle must be as straight as possible [I use a piece of 2X4 under the side stand] and the dip stick screwed all the way down to get an accurate reading. Dave!!!

Reg. Date : 12/05/2009
Posts : 7,705
Location :  United States
Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 18:57   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: davetac1)

davetac1 wrote:

Here's something else that I forgot to mention which I learned from owning my previous machine.After letting the oil drain for a bit from both,the oil filter housing and the drain plug,I then sit on the bike and lean it side to side,stop,let it set for a minute,do it again,and so forth,several times over.

Same here. (read my above post) I also let it drain much longer than most people. Probably 20 minutes, and i keep rocking it now and then and i finally put the plug back in once i can't get even the slightest stream going no matter how much i rock it. I'm anal about a complete drain, or at least as complete as is possible.

2010 Blue/White Thunderbird, "Brutus". 1700 kit, short tors, gutted cat, UNI filter, filter seal off, custom tune. Brutus in his native habitat: Link
Reg. Date : 14/07/2009
Posts : 3,155
Location : Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Posted : 26 Sep 2010 - 19:10   Post title : Re: 6000 mile service costs?? (Re: davetac1)
I do straighten the bike out when draining, but I don't wiggle it around a lot. When checking the oil, I sit on the seat, straighten the bike and then remove the dipstick. I suspect I could get more out, but not a lot. Also, at my 9,000 mile change, I used a bosch filter, which is larger (at least physically - not sure about the internal volume).

Anyway, my only reason for posting this is that while I can't explain the difference in our oil change quantities, no one should just put an "amount" into the bike (I know that's not what you are suggesting). If you are right and the bike holds 4 qts, 28 oz, then one might drain the bike, add 4 1/2 qts, run the bike and then check the level. If I did that, I would 12 oz too much in the crank case.

I suggest everyone do an initial check after adding 4 qts.

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