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Topic : Beowulf Radiator Guard
Reg. Date : 20/11/2010
Posts : 95
Location : Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Posted : 09 May 2016 - 12:22   Post title : Beowulf Radiator Guard
This cover is in good condition. There are some slight marks where the cover rubbed against the inside of the radiator cowl.
You wouldn't see these when mounted and would likely polish out if desired.
I had the big bore kit installed last year and with the heat we have in Iowa in the summer the radiator fan comes on more than I care for.
It never caused any issues though, I just got tired of the convection oven effect at stop lights.
I would not recommend this to 1700 owners unless you are in a cooler climate.
I am asking $50.00 + shipping in the U.S. only

Reg. Date : 19/05/2011
Posts : 679
Location : Redmond, Washington, United States
Posted : 09 May 2016 - 15:56   Post title : Re: Beowulf Radiator Guard (Re: BluesDrummer)
Do you have a picture of it mounted on your bike (and featured prominently in the pic)?

Thunderbird Riders in Puget Sound (TRiPS) / Seattle
-- co-holder of the title of the United States' Largest Thunderbird Flocking!

Reg. Date : 20/11/2010
Posts : 95
Location : Des Moines, Iowa, United States
Posted : 09 May 2016 - 23:10   Post title : Re: Beowulf Radiator Guard (Re: RC65)

I looked and I cannot really find photos of my bike where you can see the cover very well. Here is an image of a similar cover that I copied from Gerpa that will give you an idea. Mine is the Triumph logo rather than Thunderbird.