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General -> Accessories.Mirror extenders - 2010 Blue Bird winter upgrades
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Topic : HOW TO: Polished Oil Galley Plugs
Reg. Date : 14/10/2015
Posts : 175
Location : Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Posted : 04 Feb 2016 - 19:44   Post title : HOW TO: Polished Oil Galley Plugs
Had been debating on whether to just buy the polished oil galley plugs or attempt to polish the factory ones. Super easy to polish the factory plugs. Here is quick down and dirty How To.


Dremel with polishing tips




Mothers Mag and Aluminum Polish


Pretty straight forward. Apply some of the Mothers to the Dremel polishing tips and start working it into the plugs. Keep the RPM on the Dremel at a medium level and light to medium pressure when working the polish into the plugs as you don't want to create to much friction making the plugs hot when handling. In addition you don't want the polish to scorch. Use rags and the qtips to clean up the plugs after polishing.

Factory Plug Before:


Factory Plug After:


Hope you found this article helpful.



2012 Thunderbird 1600
Post edited by Snyperx on 04 Feb 2016 - 19:55
Reg. Date : 28/10/2013
Posts : 854
Location : New England, NSW, Australia
Posted : 04 Feb 2016 - 19:51   Post title : Re: HOW TO: Polished Oil Galley Plugs (Re: Snyperx)
good job