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Topic : Front Wheel Chock Stand
Reg. Date : 10/06/2013
Posts : 46
Location : Frisco, Texas, United States
Posted : 18 Feb 2015 - 21:25   Post title : Front Wheel Chock Stand
My bike (2013 Thunderbird Storm) is taking up a lot of space in the garage. So I was contemplating using a front wheel chock stand to keep the bike upright, instead of the kick stand. Does anyone do this on a regular basis? (I mean other than just when doing maintenance.) What brand do you recommend? I remember seeing one type that had a swivel on the front so that you could come into the garage at an angle and then "pivot" the bike and stand into a corner. Any suggestions or ideas?



Jim "AdventureGuide" McCrain

2013 Triumph Thunderbird Storm